Source: nolimit.js

var nolimitApiFactory = require('./nolimit-api');
var info = require('./info');

var CDN = 'https://{ENV}';
var LOADER_URL = '{CDN}/loader/loader-{DEVICE}.html?operator={OPERATOR}&game={GAME}&language={LANGUAGE}';
var REPLACE_URL = '{CDN}/loader/game-loader.html?{QUERY}';
var GAMES_URL = '{CDN}/games';

    device: 'desktop',
    environment: 'partner',
    language: 'en',
    'nolimit.js': '__VERSION__'

 * @exports nolimit
var nolimit = {

     * @property {String} version current version of nolimit.js
    version: '__VERSION__',

    options: {},

     * Initialize loader with default parameters. Can be skipped if the parameters are included in the call to load instead.
     * @param {Object}  options
     * @param {String}  options.operator the operator code for the operator
     * @param {String}  [options.language="en"] the language to use for the game
     * @param {String}  [options.device=desktop] type of device: 'desktop' or 'mobile'. Recommended to always set this to make sure the correct device is used.
     * @param {String}  [options.environment=partner] which environment to use; usually 'partner' or the name of a production environment. This overrides the environment part of the hostname.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.fullscreen=true] set to false to disable automatic fullscreen on mobile (Android only)
     * @param {Boolean} [options.clock=true] set to false to disable in-game clock
     * @param {Boolean} [options.autoplay=true] set to false to disable and remove the auto play button.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.mute=false] start the game without sound
     * @param {Boolean} [options.hideCurrency] hide currency symbols/codes in the game
     * @param {String}  [options.quality] force asset quality. Possible values are 'high', 'medium', 'low'. Defaults to smart loading in each game.
     * @param {Object}  [options.jurisdiction] force a specific jurisdiction to enforce specific license requirements and set specific options and overrides. See README for jurisdiction-specific details.
     * @param {Object}  [] the name of the jurisdiction, for example "MT", "DK", "LV", "RO", "UKGC", "PT", "ES", "IT" or "SE".
     * @param {Object}  [options.realityCheck] set options for reality check. See README for more details.
     * @param {Object}  [options.realityCheck.enabled=true] set to false to disable reality-check dialog.
     * @param {Number}  [options.realityCheck.interval=60] Interval in minutes between showing reality-check dialog.
     * @param {Number}  [] override session start, default is
     * @param {Number}  [options.realityCheck.nextTime] next time to show dialog, defaults to + interval.
     * @param {Number}  [options.realityCheck.bets=0] set initial bets if player already has bets in the session.
     * @param {Number}  [options.realityCheck.winnings=0] set initial winnings if player already has winnings in the session.
     * @param {Number}  [options.realityCheck.message] Message to display when dialog is opened. A generic default is provided.
     * @param {String}  [options.playForFunCurrency=EUR] currency to use when in playing for fun mode. Uses EUR if not specified.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.hideExitButton=false] set to true to control closing of mobile games from outside of game area.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.showExitButtonDesktop=false] set to true to show exit button also in desktop mode.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.useReplayLinkPopup=false] set to true to show a popup for loading replays instead of trying to open directly.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.googleAnalytics=true] set to false to completely disable the use of analytics.
     * @param {String}  [options.lobbyUrl="history:back()"] URL to redirect back to lobby on mobile, if not using a target
     * @param {String}  [options.depositUrl] URL to deposit page, if not using a target element
     * @param {String}  [options.supportUrl] URL to support page, if not using a target element
     * @param {Boolean} [options.depositEvent] instead of using URL, emit "deposit" event (see event documentation)
     * @param {Boolean} [options.lobbyEvent] instead of using URL, emit "lobby" event (see event documentation) (mobile only)
     * @param {String}  [options.accountHistoryUrl] URL to support page, if not using a target element
     * @example
     * nolimit.init({
     *    operator: 'SMOOTHOPERATOR',
     *    language: 'sv',
     *    device: 'mobile',
     *    environment: 'partner',
     *    currency: 'SEK',
     *    jurisdiction: {
     *        name: 'SE'
     *    },
     *    realityCheck: {
     *        interval: 30
     *    }
     * });
    init: function(options) {
        this.options = options;

     * Load game, replacing target with the game.
     * <li> If target is a HTML element, it will be replaced with an iframe, keeping all the attributes of the original element, so those can be used to set id, classes, styles and more.
     * <li> If target is a Window element, the game will be loaded directly in that.
     * <li> If target is undefined, it will default to the current window.
     * @param {Object} options see init for details
     * @see {@link nolimit.init} for details on more options
     * @param {String}     case sensitive game code, for example 'DragonTribe' or 'Wixx'
     * @param {HTMLElement|Window}  [] the HTMLElement or Window to load the game in
     * @param {String}              [options.token] the token to use for real money play
     * @param {String}              [options.version] force specific game version such as '1.2.3', or 'development' to disable cache
     * @returns {nolimitApi}        The API connection to the opened game.
     * @example
     * var api = nolimit.load({
     *    game: 'DragonTribe',
     *    target: document.getElementById('game'),
     *    token: realMoneyToken,
     *    mute: true
     * });
    load: function(options) {
        options = processOptions(mergeOptions(this.options, options));

        var target = || window;

        if(target.Window && target instanceof target.Window) {
            target = document.createElement('div');
            target.setAttribute('style', 'position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden;');

        if(target.ownerDocument && target instanceof target.ownerDocument.defaultView.HTMLElement) {
            var iframe = makeIframe(target);
            target.parentNode.replaceChild(iframe, target);

            var nolimitApi = nolimitApiFactory(iframe, function() {
                html(iframe.contentWindow, options);

            return nolimitApi;
        } else {
            throw 'Invalid option target: ' + target;

     * Load game in a new, separate page. This offers the best isolation, but no communication with the game is possible.
     * @param {Object} options see init for details
     * @see {@link nolimit.init} for details on more options
     * @param {String}     case sensitive game code, for example 'DragonTribe' or 'Wixx'
     * @param {String}              [options.token] the token to use for real money play
     * @param {String}              [options.version] force specific game version such as '1.2.3', or 'development' to disable cache
     * @example
     * var api = nolimit.replace({
     *    game: 'DragonTribe',
     *    target: document.getElementById('game'),
     *    token: realMoneyToken,
     *    mute: true
     * });
    replace: function(options) {
        location.href = this.url(options);

        function noop() {

        return {on: noop, call: noop};

     * Constructs a URL for manually loading the game in an iframe or via redirect.

     * @param {Object} options see init for details
     * @see {@link nolimit.init} for details on options
     * @return {string}
    url: function(options) {
        var gameOptions = processOptions(mergeOptions(this.options, options));
        var gameUrl = REPLACE_URL
            .replace('{CDN}', gameOptions.cdn)
            .replace('{QUERY}', makeQueryString(gameOptions));
        return gameUrl;

     * Load information about the game, such as: current version, preferred width/height etc.
     * @param {Object}      options
     * @param {String}      [options.environment=partner] which environment to use; usually 'partner' or the name of a production environment. This overrides the environment part of the hostname.
     * @param {String} case sensitive game code, for example 'DragonTribe' or 'Wixx'
     * @param {String}      [options.version] force specific version of game to load.
     * @param {Function}    callback  called with the info object, if there was an error, the 'error' field will be set
     * @example
     *{game: 'DragonTribe'}, function(info) {
     *     var target = document.getElementById('game');
     * = info.size.width + 'px';
     * = info.size.height + 'px';
     *     console.log(, info.version);
     * });
    info: function(options, callback) {
        options = processOptions(mergeOptions(this.options, options));
        info.load(options, callback);

function makeQueryString(options) {
    var query = [];
    for(var key in options) {
        var value = options[key];
        if(typeof value === 'undefined') {
        if(value instanceof HTMLElement) {
        if(typeof value === 'object') {
            value = JSON.stringify(value);
        query.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value));
    return query.join('&');

function makeIframe(element) {
    var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
    copyAttributes(element, iframe);

    iframe.setAttribute('frameBorder', '0');
    iframe.setAttribute('allowfullscreen', '');
    iframe.setAttribute('allow', 'autoplay; fullscreen');
    iframe.setAttribute('sandbox', 'allow-forms allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-top-navigation allow-popups');

    var name = generateName(iframe.getAttribute('name') ||;
    iframe.setAttribute('name', name);

    return iframe;

function mergeOptions(globalOptions, gameOptions) {
    delete globalOptions.version;
    delete globalOptions.replay;
    delete globalOptions.token;
    var options = {}, name;
    for(name in DEFAULT_OPTIONS) {
        options[name] = DEFAULT_OPTIONS[name];
    for(name in globalOptions) {
        options[name] = globalOptions[name];
    for(name in gameOptions) {
        options[name] = gameOptions[name];
    return options;

function insertCss(document) {
    var style = document.createElement('style');

function setupViewport(head) {
    var viewport = head.querySelector('meta[name="viewport"]');
    if(!viewport) {
        head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">');

function processOptions(options) {
    options.device = options.device.toLowerCase();
    options.mute = options.mute || false;
    var environment = options.environment.toLowerCase();
    if(environment.indexOf('.') === -1) {
        environment += '';
    options.cdn = options.cdn || CDN.replace('{ENV}', environment);
    options.staticRoot = options.staticRoot || GAMES_URL.replace('{CDN}', options.cdn);
    options.playForFunCurrency = options.playForFunCurrency || options.currency;
    if (options.language === 'pe' || options.language === 'cl') {
        options.language = 'es';
    return options;

function html(window, options) {
    var document = window.document;



    var loaderElement = document.createElement('iframe');
    loaderElement.setAttribute('frameBorder', '0'); = 'black'; = '100vw'; = '100vh'; = 'relative'; = '2147483647';

    loaderElement.src = LOADER_URL
        .replace('{CDN}', options.cdn)
        .replace('{DEVICE}', options.device)
        .replace('{OPERATOR}', options.operator)
        .replace('{LANGUAGE}', options.language);

    document.body.innerHTML = '';

    loaderElement.onload = function() {
        window.on('error', function(error) {
            if(loaderElement && loaderElement.contentWindow) {
                loaderElement.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify({'error': error}), '*');
        });, function(info) {
            if(info.error) {
                window.trigger('error', info.error);
                loaderElement.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(info), '*');
            } else {
                window.trigger('info', info);

                var gameElement = document.createElement('script');
                gameElement.src = info.staticRoot + '/game.js';

                options.loadStart =;
                window.nolimit = nolimit;
                window.nolimit.options = options;
                window.nolimit.options.version = info.version;
       = info;


        loaderElement.onload = function() {


function copyAttributes(from, to) {
    var attributes = from.attributes;
    for(var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
        var attr = attributes[i];
        to.setAttribute(, attr.value);

var generateName = (function() {
    var generatedIndex = 1;
    return function(name) {
        return name || 'Nolimit-' + generatedIndex++;

module.exports = nolimit;